Saturday, June 11, 2011


Nate and I played at HippoHop today. For those unfamiliar with HippoHop, it’s a indoor play place full of blow-up, jump on toys! Nate seemed to have a great time! Now for the best part, PICTURES! (please excuse the blurry pictures. Obviously my camera isn’t even fast enough to keep up with this little one!

Is this face not PRECIOUS!


He loved climbing up to slide down100_0616

He met a few friends while playing air hockey100_0623

Climbing in


crawling in to play in the 3 and under toy!


Hmm, what to do next?


He went up to the guy in purple later and got all in his video saying “cheese!” it was so sweet!100_0632

Going down the hippo slide100_0634

Squishing the hippo head




He spend the majority of the time off of the bounce houses and in the other play area.


He was sailing the ship


Coming through!



I did manage to snap one pic of us together and he LOOKED!


How does this thing work?


He loved the castle and would just sit in it. See below…


He climbed the tower in the castle and looked at me and said “Cheese!” can you tell I kept the camera after him all day!?100_0660

He played in the Fisher Price Fire House forEVER! He kept going in closing the door and coming out and closing the door. Over and over!


Even came out to cook lunch!


He was calling out letters and he wrote on the board. “A- T- N- E” I was proud that he knew those letters were in his name!100_0688


We had a blast! I know he is exhausted so maybe he’ll sleep good tonight!

Hope you had a great day, also!

XOXO, Suzi and Nate

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This is my 100th blog post! Hooray! Unfortunately it’s pretty late so I am going to keep today blog post short and sweet.

Nate and I went to the pool for a little while today and really enjoyed ourselves. It’s always fun to play with the other kids and enjoy the sun without heating to death!

Tonight our friend, Janie came to visit! (Hey Janie, if you are reading!) Here’s a picture of our growing boy with beautiful Janie!


Hope to have some awesome posts up this weekend! Take care!

XOXO, Suzi

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Toys R Us

We had a good day at school (school is camp. I use them interchangeably! He goes to camp at his school.) We had an early day because we had therapy. My big boy did great, as usual!

We came home and ate lunch and napped the afternoon away. Nate loves driving his cars down the driveway and just being outside in general. After a good bit of playing we decided to pay the pool a visit. We got all dressed and rubbed down with sunscreen and set off for the pool.

We got there and realized there was a swim meet today and the pool was closed. Bummer! So instead of swimming we ended up going here…

Nate had so much fun playing with all the toys especially this…

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He got up and played on the tractor and would never look up at me for a good picture. So here are the action shots!

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He was so funny, when he got down he pointed to the logo on the front of the tractor and informed me that this tractor is a John Deere. His Daddy and Papa must have taught him that in the orchard!

I also caught a video of him driving the Lightning McQueen (from the movie Cars) car.

Hope you are all well!


Suzi and Nate

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bragging a bit more!

I promise I have to be working with the SMARTEST three year old ever! 

After nap Nate and I colored. We then reviewed his alphabet with his alphabet books. This little man is SMART! He recognized all but ONE letter(Vv). He is only THREE YEARS OLD! I have some videos of that  to follow, but first a note for all of our friends and family!

Doesn’t that just warm your heart!? I love it and him!

Here is one of him telling you the letters in his name. He usually can see his name on a paper, recognize it, and say “Nate”.

One more for you guys and this one makes me the most proud! (P.S. I can’t take credit for teaching him these letters. He knew them when I got here! So kudos to Mama, Daddy, Miss Kat, and Atl. Speech School!)


Hope all is well with y’all! Leave us a comment below!
XOXO, Suzi and Nate!

Monday, June 6, 2011

A longggg week!

It was a long week and I took a break from blogging partially because I just didn’t feel like it and the main reason being my sweet subject(Nate) was spending time with both sets of grandparents! I am positive he had a BLAST with his Bob(that’s what he calls Julia’s dad…so precious!) and Grammy this weekend while they visited and also at the beach with his daddy, WeWa, and Papa!

Yesterday I met Scott after church to get my munchkin and we headed back to Atlanta to see his Mama! I am not sure if it’s the fact that he travels a lot or that he was EXHAUSTED from spending most of the week at the beach, but he was the BEST!

He spent time with his Mama yesterday and we got in bed for our FIRST day of summer camp this morning!

Side story: Last night Julia was trying to teach Nate some new songs and sang the alphabet song to him. He ran over to the fridge and pressed a button on one of his toys that plays that song. We were both SOOO impressed with our smart boy making that connection on his own! (Note: I am the WORST story teller ever, so that might not have made sense!!)

I am PROUD to say that Nate is in the BIG BOY class at school. The other students are older. This is a HUGE deal! (Told you my boy is smart!!) I am sure he is going to learn LOADS of new stuff from his older peers(and teachers) this summer!

His teacher said he had a great day and I am sure he had a blast with his new friends! The best part? He gets some outside time to let out some energy! That boy LOVES to play!

We spent the afternoon at the pool with our neighbors, Julie, Rebecca, and baby Margaret. Nate LOVES playing with Rebecca(4), and they have a blast together! We got home just in time to greet Mama.

Here are some pictures of my sweet boy blowing bubbles this evening before supper!



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