Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What a great day to Play!

Today we went to Play in Roswell! We had a blast and Nate loved playing with the rice sensory station the most. They have a huge pit with foam cubes that kids can jump in and a trampoline and a few inflatable play toys. The front room is Nate’s favorite place to play and it has a kitcken area, train area, doctor area, and a sensory area. We had a blast as always and my sweet boy finally got his Chick Fil A hit he has been wanting since Sunday!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A rainy day in Georgia

Today has been a rainy day. We went grocery shopping and then came home to play. Our plans to head to the pool were ruled out with the threatening sounds of thunder. Julia suggested we go catch a movie so as soon as she got off we headed to see Madagascar 3. It was so cute! I really enjoyed it! That’s all for now!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Georgia Aquarium and pool time!

Since camp is over we are enjoying being able to go and do with hardly any set-in-stone plans! Today we went to the Georgia Aquarium! I have LOADS of pictures of your precious boy so bear with me! We got to see a 4D movie, watch the dolphin show(My personal favorite), play on the play ground, touch rays, sharks, and horseshoe crabs, and see sharks, frogs, and whales! A lot of fun was had by all! I am feeling it tonight!!

These manta rays were as big as a kitchen table! The whale shark was huge too!


One of the cool observation rooms. 2012-07-16_13-00-57_637

Whale shark.



This observation room was a dome over the walk way, which was a people mover! I liked it because it allowed everyone a chance to see the animals without others walking in front of them.


A huge wall of glass to see a large amount of animals!




These little things creeped me out! They looked like snakes and were constantly slipping up and down through the sand!


Sweet boy with LOTS of fish!



Halfway got us before the dolphin show started!


In the frog exhibit!




We had a blast! After the aquarium we went and hung out at the pool for some fun in the sun! He loves the water and it was a nice day today!