Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flint RiverQuarium and the Albany Mall with J and R!

Today J, R, and I loaded up and headed an hour east of Ashburn to Albany. We had one thing on our mind. AQUARIUM!! The kids have been dying to go all summer and I was pleased to take them!

It is sad to admit that I have never been. I have wanted to but the opportunity has never arisen. Zack doesn’t like to do that kind of stuff so I enjoy having people that will go do things like that with me!


We got to the RiverQuarium about 11AM and stayed until 1PM!!! There were so many cool animals. The kids favorite animal was the ALBINO ALLIGATOR. J told me I JUST HADDDDD to take a picture and put it on Facebook and my blog.(Isn’t he just the cutest!?) The horrible lighting, bad positioning of the alligators, and fact that I didn’t bring my real camera and this is a camera phone made the pictures super blurry so I left those out. I mean it’s so bad I can’t even tell what it was supposed to be!

We played a trivia game in the Aquarium and I totally kicked butt! Haha Yes I am almost 21 years old and find satisfaction in winning against a 12 and 9 year old!


After our visit to the Aquarium we went to eat a late lunch. R and J couldn’t decided on where they wanted to eat so we headed to the mall. This was sure to please everyone. After we got there J and R ended up eating at THE SAME PLACE the SAME THING! I think they were just pulling my chain earlier about not deciding where they wanted to eat!

Since we had to be home this afternoon I let each of them pick one store they wanted to go to. R picked the pet store. She loves animals and has one of the biggest hearts ever. She told me the other day she wants to be a emergency vet or a animal cop. (I didn’t know what that was either! She said they rescue pets from abusive or neglectful owners. Sounds kind of like DFCS for pets!)


J wanted to go to Hibbets Sports. He spend all of 30 minutes in there just looking. We all but had to drag him out of the store by the back of his head! He picked up every single bat in the store and inspected it from EVERY angle!

I picked Old Navy as my store! As we were walking in the mall we saw a lady who had pulled her car right up to the entrance of the mall and was unloading a stroller with nine, yes NINE!, Old Navy bags and that lured me in. I am a sucker for deals and I knew Old Navy must have been having some! We got in and didn’t see much of anything at first and then I saw the cutest bags. They were originally $16.50 and on sale for $6.97 and ON TOP OF THAT all clearance was 50% off! So I picked up three one for each of us. J decided he didn’t want one so R and I have two CUTE totes that we got for $3,50! R picked a blue one and I got the cutest pink on.(shocked?)



We had an awesome day. The kids were WORN out. Had I not been driving I would have snapped a picture of them sleeping the WHOLE WAY home!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010



I had a long day babysitting yesterday...I didn't get there til 12 but I ended up staying until 7PM!

Zack's aunt, uncle, and three young cousins are in town from North Carolina so we had a family dinner at his house last night. Needless to say I was late! We enjoyed the kiddos a lot! They will be headed out Wednesday because they have plans at church.

On another note, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my cable, internet, and power set up when we move in. I know, I have two weeks before move-in but I wanted to make sure they have all of my information and I know EXACTLY what money is due when we move in. Between being on hold for 20 minutes at a time and waiting three hours for a call back about my whether or not we could use their services in my apartment complex I got the most exciting news EVER!!!! They ran my FIRST EVER credit check and I, SUZI MASTRARIO, HAVE CREDIT!!! Great credit at that! I was super excited because 1) I did it myself! 2)I don't have to pay all of those CRAZY deposits! 3) I DID IT MYSELF. I really didn't think I had credit. I mean, I got a credit card last year and make SMALL purchases on it every now and then. I put like maybe $35 for gas on it here and there and then I pay it straight from my checking account but I didn't think $300 or so would be enough to establish credit. Let alone GREAT credit. So that's my awesome news. I feel like a responsible adult with my utilities in MY NAME rather than my parents! :) Now to just get a job to pay them!

If any of you reading know of a job opening in Valdosta HOOK ME UP!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't you just love...


I got mine from Pink-Ture Perfect's post this morning. Here goes.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
9AM. I didn't come in to work until 12 :)

2. How do you like your steak?
WELLLLLLL done! No pink!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Toy Story 3 with Jake and Rach!

4. What is your favorite TV show?
Pretty sure it's a three way tie between Secret Life, Pretty Little Liars, and Royal Pains

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
An exotic island. Somewhere that would feel like a 24-7 vacation!

6. What did you have for breakfast?

7. What is your favorite Cuisine?
I love Chinese

8. What foods do you dislike?
Carrots, onions, fish, spaghetti, etc.

9. Favorite Place to Eat?
I have too many, but in Ashburn I love La Hacienda! :)

10. Favorite dressing?

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
Silver Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder

12. What are your favorite clothes?
shorts and t-shirts

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
The Carribbean

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Varies from day to day. My mood determines that!

15. Where would you want to retire?
I'm pretty content with Ashburn!

16. Favorite time of day?
Ehh, no faves.

17. Where were you born?
Pomona, New Jersey. Shh, don't tell anyone!

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
I like football...alot.

19. Bird watcher?
No, thanks!

20. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Depends. I like to be alone in the morning

21. Do you have any pets?
Kind of. I really don't spend time with them but we have 2 horses, 2 donkeys, a few cats, and a random brown dog that adopted us about a year ago that doesn't like people.

22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
Not really.

23. What did you want to be when you were little?
A teacher. :)

24. What is your best childhood memory?
Everytime I think about my childhood I think of my friend Lauren. We don't really talk much anymore but we have some AWESOME memories!

25. Are you a cat or dog person?
I like dogs. Not so big on cats.

26. Are you married?

27. Always wear your seat belt?
Most of the time.

28. Been in a car accident?
Two. No injuries. Thank God.

29. Any pet peeves?
Oh Lord, yes!!! I hate for people to use my shampoo and conditioner. I like for the amount to be even in them! I have many more WEIRD pet peeves.

30. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Dominos Chicken alfredo pizza=love!

31. Favorite Flower?
I would love a dozen RAINBOW roses. Hmmm...HINT HINT Z!

32. Favorite ice cream?
Vanilla with chocolate shell

33. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Popeyes is pretty rad!

34. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

35. From whom did you get your last email?
Probably my sister or junk!

36. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
This is hard. Not really sure

37. Do anything spontaneous lately?
not really.

38. Like your job?
I wish I had a job!

39. Broccoli?

40. What was your favorite vacation?
No favorite. The Beach is pretty much a win for me!

41. Last person you went out to dinner with?
Sarah, Justin, Zack, and I went to Hong Kong Cafe in Albany Friday night and it was great!

42. What are you listening to right now?
J and R being fools in the kitchen.

43. What is your favorite color?
Hands down. Pink

44. How many tattoos do you have?

45. Coffee Drinker?
Starbucks Frappaccinos or Elliano's frozen blended coffee PLEASE!

46. What Magazines are you reading?
None currently.

47. Favorite smell?
Polo Blue. Mmmmmmm.

48. Favorite movie of all time?
The Fast and Furious movies.

49. What are you listening to right now?
This is a repeat.

50. How is the weather right now?