Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What a great day to Play!

Today we went to Play in Roswell! We had a blast and Nate loved playing with the rice sensory station the most. They have a huge pit with foam cubes that kids can jump in and a trampoline and a few inflatable play toys. The front room is Nate’s favorite place to play and it has a kitcken area, train area, doctor area, and a sensory area. We had a blast as always and my sweet boy finally got his Chick Fil A hit he has been wanting since Sunday!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A rainy day in Georgia

Today has been a rainy day. We went grocery shopping and then came home to play. Our plans to head to the pool were ruled out with the threatening sounds of thunder. Julia suggested we go catch a movie so as soon as she got off we headed to see Madagascar 3. It was so cute! I really enjoyed it! That’s all for now!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Georgia Aquarium and pool time!

Since camp is over we are enjoying being able to go and do with hardly any set-in-stone plans! Today we went to the Georgia Aquarium! I have LOADS of pictures of your precious boy so bear with me! We got to see a 4D movie, watch the dolphin show(My personal favorite), play on the play ground, touch rays, sharks, and horseshoe crabs, and see sharks, frogs, and whales! A lot of fun was had by all! I am feeling it tonight!!

These manta rays were as big as a kitchen table! The whale shark was huge too!


One of the cool observation rooms. 2012-07-16_13-00-57_637

Whale shark.



This observation room was a dome over the walk way, which was a people mover! I liked it because it allowed everyone a chance to see the animals without others walking in front of them.


A huge wall of glass to see a large amount of animals!




These little things creeped me out! They looked like snakes and were constantly slipping up and down through the sand!


Sweet boy with LOTS of fish!



Halfway got us before the dolphin show started!


In the frog exhibit!




We had a blast! After the aquarium we went and hung out at the pool for some fun in the sun! He loves the water and it was a nice day today!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A whole new boy! :)

Today Nate got a hair cut! The lady that usually cuts his hair wasn’t there but he still go to “drive” the firetruck while he got his hair cut! Here are a few pictures from our short and sweet post!




After our hair cut we ate at one of his favorite restaurants…

and then he and Julia went for a walk after we got home and he found a tractor!!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A day of craftin’

Today after nap my sweet boy and I did some craftin’!

We made sun catchers. The top is a beach ball(they’re talking about balls and balloons at school.) The bottom one is a cotton ball cloud with rain drop suncachers attached. We actually made the cloud and rain suncatcher when it was perfectly sunny today but it started raining right before supper! Thank God for the rain!


Close up of the beach ball!


We colored some too!


These are fireworks that we made by taping several straws together and bending the ends to look like a star. They turned out a neat tie dye color!



Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Oh what fun we have!

Heading home from school today Nate saw a flag on a building and quickly brought it to my attention by saying, “I see an American Flag!” Sometimes the smallest things mean so much to me. I was floored that he knew what an American flag was! Although, I shouldn’t be surprised because if you ask him who the president of the United States is he’ll tell you matter-of-factly, it’s Barack O-Mama! That boy cracks me up!

After lunch and nap I asked him if he would rather go to Hippo Hop or the toy store. He opted for the toy store so off to Toys R Us we went! There are so many things to see and play with there!



Afterwards we stopped for some ice cream at the ice cream store. He got a chocolate cone and I would say he DEFINITELY enjoyed it! Smile 

He got a bear from the toy store and had to buckle her in the seat before getting out for ice cream. Sweet boy!





When we got home we headed out once more to go see two beautiful ladies and enjoy supper with them. Janie and Maddie are always fun to play with! Maddie is getting so big so quickly!

It just started to rain here and the sound is lulling me to sleep! We need the rain!

I'm back!!!

I am back after a week of fun in the sun with my Daddy, Mama, and Sami at Daytona Beach! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday week!

Before I left for the beach I baked some yummy goodness. Whether you call them Chess Cake, Chess Squares, Chewy Cake, etc. I call them YUMMY!!

Here is the recipe for the cake/blondie goodness!
1 box yellow (butter) cake mix
1 egg 
1 stick melted butter 
Mix and press into greased and floured 9 x 13 inch pan. 

Beat until smooth: 1 (8 oz.) cream cheese 1 box powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla flavoring Pour over cake mixture and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until light brown.

Easy peasy! For other recipes that I like check out my board on Pinterest called "For the love of food..."

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sprinkler fun!!

Tonight our sweet friends Rebecca, Margaret, and Julie came over to play. We all ended up in the sprinkler! Oh what fun!
Fun was had by all!
I was cleaning up the house earlier and left my laptop in the den playing music and came back to find this! Isn’t he so precious!?
I’m heading to Ashburn tomorrow and will be at the beach with the family all week. Unfortunately, I will be on yet another blogging hiatus! I hope everyone has a great 4th of July and stays safe!!

Sprinkler Park!

Yesterday after school we went to the Splash Park in Roswell! It was so fun and totally worth the $1 admission to get in! Nate loved splashing around in the water and as long as he walked and watched where he was going it was virtually hurt free! He played in the water for about 45 minutes or so and decided he was done. That was fine with me. Like I said $1 admission, plus only a 15 minute drive! We got our $1 of fun! Right behind the sprinklers, as Nate calls them, there were two HUGE playgrounds with toys for older kids and younger kids. Nate enjoyed playing on the playground for a good 45 minutes or so and we headed home. Of course we had to ride with the top down! This is his newest obsession. I posted before that he loved his first ride. After the first ride he was afraid, no terrified! He would cry if I TALKED about putting the top down. After I started letting him sit in my lap when I put it down, or stand outside of the car he is fine. Maybe it is just when he’s strapped in his carseat that he is scared. I don’t know. But I do know that he’s asked me the past three days to put the top down when I picked him up from school! He pushes the button when we get home to put it up and he says “I didn’t cry!”. That’s my sweet boy! Here are some pictures of the sprinklers from yesterday!

He looks like, “Cheese, now can I play?!”


Off he goes!



Catch-up as usual!

So I have been so engulfed in my book in my spare time that I have been slacking on my blog post .Tisk Tisk! I shall get better soon as I am on the final book in my series!

Tuesday we went to the Bike store to get Nate a new helmet! He enjoyed looking at the bikes while Mama got the low down on all of the features and how to fit his new helmet! He found this thingamajig that allows you to ride your bike indoors in the comfort of your home! This bike store was for big time bikers. The bikes boasted $2000 and $3000 plus price tags! YIKES!!!


Here he is modeling the new helmet! We have “Bike Day” at school tomorrow!




He even wore it while watering the grass!!




Such a sweet boy!

Caught this video during lunch yesterday! I love his videos!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Playing catch-up

I am behind on my blog. I was being lazy Thursday night and was exhausted from our long day. It takes a lot of time to email myself the pictures then arrange them on here so I am including some pictures from Thursday night of my sweet boy!
Friday was pajama day at school. I let Nate pick out his jammies. Here he is right before bed with Teddy. He is so sweet!

Here was our dinner conversation Thursday night. It was just the two of us. Sorry for the bad orientation. Obviously I need to learn how to take videos!
Today after school and nap we went to HippoHopp. He loves it there. It’s a building full of inflatable bounce houses! He really enjoyed this ride on train and the crocodile(hard to tell that’s what it is) rocker behind him! He kept saying, “See you later alligator. After while crocodile!” 23232
When we got home he and Julia played trains and built a new track with the new pieces they got Friday after I left! That boy loves his mama and she loves him!
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