Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bumblebee Song

Here are a few shots I got of my sweet boy before school this morning. He is singing his bumblebee song at his graduation program next Friday and we’ve been practicing!

Are you going to take it or not, Suzi?


He looks like he’s posing!


Silly boy with his tongue out!


Isn’t he so cute?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Some vids of my Natester!

Saying SuSu


A Note from Nate

Some of what we did this afternoon

While at Office Depot today I found some Color Wonder coloring pages on sale so I picked some up. Nate LOVED them! Here we are coloring…

He was excited to say the least. P.S. We added an extension to our finger!


Check out that face as he waved his new “finger” around!


The oh-so-anticipated “book” post!

Here is the post I have been promising that will probably make sense of my other million previous posts!

This is Nate’s “book” for school this month. 100_0515

He has one for each month. These are the few that were on the counter just begging me to take a picture.


Each page signifies one day of the month. There is a number in the top corner and a line separating the two halves of the page. The top portion is completed at school signifying what they worked on that day. The bottom portion is to be completed at home. Parents/students can do anything they’d like in the book whether it be glue pictures to show what we did/ate that night, attach items to show what we did, or draw pictures!

Here are some random pages from Nate’s books….

May 3-  In school they read Are You My Mother? and at home Nate read with his new glasses and played on the computer!


This morning Nate ate toast and jelly for breakfast. He obviously colored it!


On May 10, they read Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and we fingerpainted. See the post I made here.100_0518

This is a entry that Daddy did one day this past weekend! Daddy always puts a lot of pictures in Nate’s book! What great memories!100_0519

This entry is from May 12. Nate’s class was talking about the yellow duck in the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?. We used some stickers from our monkey sticker book to tell about how much Nate LOVES monkeys! He pointed to the stickers and said things like, “listen!” and “baby”.  Nate likes bananas like the monkeys too! We wrote the words to the book we like to read every night on the opposite page. “10 little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”.”


Here’s one that Miss Kat, Nate’s old baby sitter, did for Nate on his birthday! It’s a picture of a bandaid and stethoscope  signifying that Nate went to the doctor for his third year check up!100_0526

Maybe after this post you will have a better understanding when I say I am working on Nate’s “book” or that I took this picture to put in Nate’s book!

Love to all!


OT with Nater Tater

I have a million nicknames for this sweet man, can you tell?

Today we had OT after school. Last week she suggested that we upgrade to cups without the soft spout to one that has a hard spout and is more pourable(with no valve). We upgraded to these babies, took out the plastic valve, and love them. We bought them in several different colors!

I’m hoping that we can get a good walk in after nap this afternoon. I’m sure he’ll love a change of scenery. Who knows, we might even make it to the park to play!

Until tonight,


Monday, May 16, 2011

Guess what we did…

We went to school today! Since it is a short day(Nate is going to Tifton today afterschool!) Julia introduced me to a Starbucks less than a mile from Nate’s school and I frequent it almost everyday while he is at school.

I brought my camera to take pictures today(hooray for no cell phone pics!). If I’ve not learned anything else from Nate, I learned that it’s HARD to photograph an active three year old! I tried several times and these were the best I got.

This is Nate carrying his book bag like a big boy into school!


And here is Miss Emily, Nate’s teacher. Mrs. Bitsy, the assistant teacher, was not in the classroom this morning. I’ll try to remember my camera on Tuesday to snap one of her! Nate LOVES his teachers!


TaTa for now!
