Thursday, May 24, 2012

“Suzi’s car is broken…”

On the way home from school today I stopped at the entrance of the neighborhood to let the top down on my convertible car. It was very sunny and warm and perfect weather for a ride through the neighborhood. Nate LOVED it! He seemed scared at first, but who wouldn’t be, that thing sounds like a robot and he wasn’t expecting the top to lift up and let back! I managed to snap a good picture before we got going. We didn’t ride long because I didn’t want my fair-skinned boy to get sunburned but he had a blast! He was excited and said , “I am going to tell Mama!” We will definitely have to take more strolls topless!!


We also painted this afternoon with his dot paints. Nate had a blast as he added color after color to his paintings. I think I had more fun than him though! Here are our paintings and my little buddy in action!



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daddy’s here!

This morning after taking Nate to school I hung out with the girls across the street while their mom, Julie, ran some errands. We had a blast coloring and Rebecca even “made” me some cookies with SPRINKLES!! We had fun as usual!

This afternoon, Scott made a visit to Atlanta to see our boy. Nate was very excited about seeing his daddy! We had a busy afternoon! We went to Home Depot to see the tractors(riding lawn mowers) and Nate had a blast. He sat on each one of them, even the ones that weren’t John Deere! We know how much that boy loves him some John Deere!



After Home Depot we went to the Learning Express Toy store! All four of us had fun playing with the toys and Nate got to pick one out! He picked out a set of construction trucks to play with in the bathroom!


After that we went to Old Navy and Nate enjoyed looking at the mannequins.


We then went to Cheeky, an amazing Mexican Restaurant in Marietta. We all know how I love La Hacienda, but this was SOOOO good! I had a shrimp and spinach quesadilla. It was AWESOME!


Of course we had to stop by Menchie’s tonight also!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22, 2012

I woke up to a lovely note on my daily schedule. I am so excited to be here, too!

 Nate went to school this morning as usual but due to a change in our schedule he had physical therapy this afternoon instead of Thursday. After school we went to the pool for therapy with Mrs. Lindsay. He enjoys swimming so much! I didn't take any pictures because he was too far away for a good one, plus he was very involved in working with Mrs. Lindsay. Julia and I sat by the edge of the pool watching him.

This morning Julia promised Nate ice cream afterschool. Since we had therapy we waited until after that to go to Menchie's for froyo. For my Valdosta friends(or South Georgia friends), Menchie's is a self-serve frozen yogurt bar where you pick what toppings and what-not you want on it. Like the Mix in Valdosta. After we ate our frozen yogurt Nate had some fun on the chalkboard wall. He drew for a few minutes but I think he enjoyed erasing the chalkboard wall more!

Polo shirt conversation

My Blogger on my phone is doing all kinds of wonky(Not sure if that's a word) things. So I am posting the video that wasn't included in yesterday's post from my laptop today because it was too cute not to share!

(P.S. not sure why my pictures and videos look grainy on the computer. They look fine on my phone.. Weird!)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Lots of fun

After school today we came home for a snack. Nate had some yummy sliced strawberries and then we worked on some word work. Today we focused on the words cat and pig. First, he matched the letters to make the words. He then traced the words that I had written in dotted letters. Finally, he drew a picture of a cat and pig. I was especially proud of how well he traced the letters of the words. He was really concentrating for the most part.

My favorite part of spending time with Nate is his random conversations. He told me today that he was wearing a polo shirt and it had a collar, it did! I had NO CLUE he knew what a collar or a polo shirt was! 

While playing outside this afternoon we spotted movement across the street. Our neighbors are awesome. Julia and Brian live across from Julia and Nate and are so sweet. They have two precious daughters(16 months and 5 years) that play so well with Nate.  Plus, julie used to be a special ed teacher so we ALWAYS have something to talk about. We traipsed over to see what they were up to. Rebecca, the oldest of the two had spend last night with her grandma and they made the three of us cupcakes. It was so sweet! Julia made some sidewalk chalk paint and we had a blast! I definitely suggest making some!!

Recipe: equal parts water and cornstarch and food coloring. Easy peasy. She put ours in a muffin tin and it worked great!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Made it!

I made it to Marietta and got settled in. I am tickled at how much Nate has grown since I have last seen him and how he's matured and his speech has developed! Ready for a busy day tomorrow as I learn his routine. Here are some snapshots from the day.