Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Here goes nothing...

Oh my, have I missed my little man! I am glad to be back in the presence of Nater and Julia. It feels like it’s been months since I have seen them! I know they enjoyed their time at the beach with Grammy and Bob, but I’m glad to have them back!

Since Nate doesn’t go back to school until the middle of August, we’ve been hanging out in the mornings around the house. It’s nice to be able to take our time getting up and ready with no set time to leave, but I think he misses school a little.

We did get a lot done yesterday though! We ran errands from one end of Marietta(and even into Roswell!) to the other. On our errands we picked up some special items…




Yes, that is BIG BOY UNDERWEAR! We have been talking about getting this potty training thing started for a while but haven’t found the “right” time with everything going on(beach trips, camp, etc). So here goes… We are going cold turkey and are going to try to transition him from diaper to underwear and skipping pull ups. Cross your fingers for us!

Here are some pictures of our sweet boy decorating a shaker filled with rice.He wanted to put the stickers on himself. Isn’t he so cute?



Until later,
