Thursday, June 23, 2011


I know folks, I am on it today! Blogging before five. I have to admit that I am doing this as Julia is slaving over the stove for supper for Nate and I. That woman has been on a roll with cooking lately. Word on the street is that she doesn’t cook often but I can say that when she does it’s pretty good! She has cooked some yummy food and I’ve even got a few recipes from her! (This is where my Mama is proud! I’m not much of a cook, but I’m working on it!)

Today we took a visit to our local fire department after nap. Mama was able to join us after work as well as our neighbors across the street, Julie, Margaret(5 months) and Rebecca(4 years). Nate and Rebecca love to play together so it was nice to get out and do something with them.

The firefighters were so nice at Station 3. They showed us their “home away from home” complete with everything a home should have including a kitchen, living room/den, exercise room, bedroom, locker room, and bathroom.

The biggest deal of the firehouse was the fire trucks! The kids LOVED it! Here are the pictures everyone has been waiting for!

Nate says “Fire truck!”


Rebecca and Nate on the fire truck. Julie’s camera takes awesome pictures!

Fire Station-1

Nate in the fire truck.




Nate and Rebecca again. He loves her so much!


See ya soon! XOXO Suzi and Nate

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lots of help

Nate helped Mama cook supper today. Here are some cute pictures of them.



Sick day

Nate wasn’t feeling so hot Sunday night and woke up with a fever Monday morning, so we didn’t go to school. Once he got some medicine in him he felt better so we took a trip out of the house.

We went to the library. He loved reading the books. He sat there for almost an hour reading various books. I think he read almost EVERY single National Geographic KIDS magazine they had!

Here are some pictures of my booger reading his books. Isn’t he handsome with his cute blue glasses!?



Afterwards we ate at Firehouse Subs. Nate loved the big dog…

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and his cute firefighter hat.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Update on the Wy-Man.

Precious baby Wyatt is 6 weeks old and the last time I posted was right after he was born. I enjoy going to see this little booger when I am in town on the weekends. Maybe sometime soon his Mama and Daddy will give in and let Aunt Suzi keep him one night while they go out on a hot date!

My younger sister, Sami, love to take pictures. She does it as a hobby(she is a full-time students in Savannah at Armstrong Atlantic). Here a few pictures that she has taken of baby Wyatt since birth!

Wyatt with his sweet Mama, my older sister, Sarah.


Sweet boy sleeping…


Love, love, LOVE this one!


He likes to sleep with his arms up.


Those eyes!


His sweet daddy, Justin, is a firefighter and Paramedic in Cordele.


More of Daddy’s fire gear. This one is my favorite!



Here are some more random pictures from Wyatt’s first few weeks of life. Most are camera phone pics so bear with me!

Sweet Chunky Monkey and his Daddy with matching blue shirts!


Wyatt and Poppy catching some ZZZZs.


Aunt Suzi bought this at Target! To see Sarah’s blog for the baby click here.


We took a visit to see Daddy at work at the Fire Department. Bubb shaved his head because he was thinking it would make him as cute as the baby. NOT! haha just kidding, Bubb, I love you!227038_922407466211_33002761_42638544_1169414_n

Hooray, Wyatt is one month old!


He’s getting so big! Sitting in Daddy’s fire helmet


So grown in his plaid shorts ready to celebrate our first Father’s day!


Aunt Suzi and Wyatt


Got his arms up again! I love this face. 251076_932375490211_33002761_42768473_1611351_n

Poppy and Wyatt. His onesie says “MY POP IS THE COOLEST!” with a picture of a popsicle.


He looks like he is talking here. Sarah says he was smiling!


Aunt Suzi and Wyatt again


Cool man with his new sunglasses for the beach!253884_932649061971_33002761_42772744_7599574_n

Sleeping with Aunt Suzi


Daddy and Wyatt fixated on the TV. Typical men!


Holding his bottle by himself! This is the first time Aunt Suzi got to fed Wyatt.


Church with Poppy and Mimi on Father’s day!


Proud Mimi with her sweet boy. She’s been telling him all weekend, “If Mama and Daddy won’t feed you something, come to Mimi’s and she’ll give you whatever you want!”.


Isn’t it insane how fast they grow up!?

I can’t wait to see him grow for many many more years!

Happy (Belated) Father’s Day!

I hope all the fathers(and grandfathers) out there had a great Fathers day yesterday!

I  just wanted to take a second and recognize a few of my Fave Dads in my life.

My own sweet Daddy, Mike, with his three girls taken at church yesterday(From left to right. Sami-20, Daddy(obviously!), Me-21, and Sarah-25).


My sweet boyfriend, Johnny, who is a great Daddy to his three precious little munchkins, Bailey-5, Jared- 10, and Shanoah-13. johnny

and my precious brother-in-law, Justin, who I call Bubb. He is a new daddy. Precious baby Wyatt is 6 weeks old!


More posts to come today, so stay tuned!
XOXO, Suzi