Tuesday, July 20, 2010



I had a long day babysitting yesterday...I didn't get there til 12 but I ended up staying until 7PM!

Zack's aunt, uncle, and three young cousins are in town from North Carolina so we had a family dinner at his house last night. Needless to say I was late! We enjoyed the kiddos a lot! They will be headed out Wednesday because they have plans at church.

On another note, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my cable, internet, and power set up when we move in. I know, I have two weeks before move-in but I wanted to make sure they have all of my information and I know EXACTLY what money is due when we move in. Between being on hold for 20 minutes at a time and waiting three hours for a call back about my whether or not we could use their services in my apartment complex I got the most exciting news EVER!!!! They ran my FIRST EVER credit check and I, SUZI MASTRARIO, HAVE CREDIT!!! Great credit at that! I was super excited because 1) I did it myself! 2)I don't have to pay all of those CRAZY deposits! 3) I DID IT MYSELF. I really didn't think I had credit. I mean, I got a credit card last year and make SMALL purchases on it every now and then. I put like maybe $35 for gas on it here and there and then I pay it straight from my checking account but I didn't think $300 or so would be enough to establish credit. Let alone GREAT credit. So that's my awesome news. I feel like a responsible adult with my utilities in MY NAME rather than my parents! :) Now to just get a job to pay them!

If any of you reading know of a job opening in Valdosta HOOK ME UP!

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