Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pink is my favorite color after all :)

So I went to get my annual hair cut and coloring last Thursday. I usually don’t wait a year to cut my hair but I do go that long this time because I was “letting it grow out”. I gave in to my annual craving of cutting it all off! I did and am pleased with my decision! LA, the hair guru, who also doubles as my big sister’s best friend, asked me what colors I wanted. I usually respond with the same thing everytime, “what ever you want to do”. I completely trust her with my hair and know if she does something that I just TOTALLY hate, she’ll do whatever to make it better. Plus, I’m not too incredibly picky with my hair, after all I’ve been living the past 9 or so months coloring with $3 out of the box color from Wal-Mart! She asked if I wanted pink this time and I told her to go for it. I know what you are thinking, PINK?. But it’s not that bad. It’s a few pieces on either side on the under layers. So it’s barely visible, yet it packs a HUGE punch when you see it poking out through my lovely blonde locks and highlights. Zack hates it, and hated it when she was doing it. Sweetie went with me to my appointment in hopes that he could get his hair trimmed during my appointment. So we both got our hair makeovers at the same time.


Here are some pictures of my hair.



Before. Not so recent (two years old!) but the hair looks THE  EXACT SAME as when I got it cut! :) See, I needed an update! P.S. the beautiful girl accompanying me in this picture is my LOVELY, older sister, Sarah, read about her here :)


Here’s a picture of my hair cut, you can’t see the pink really well here.


And here it is! I have the top layer of my hair pulled up so you can see the pink! Trust me, I am not brave enough to have it showing that much!


  1. Of course I love it. Just like me! :]]]

  2. i'm impressed by your bravery to go pink....but i think it looks awesome! i had pink hair once on accident and now i'm kind of wanting to try it again! xoxox have a great weekend!
