Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Nate and I have been working on tracing his name so I made a work sheet in which he traced the dotted letters every day. I traced the dots on the left side of the paper in order to reinforce the concepts such as starting at the top to form the letters, writing left to right, etc. and he traced the right hand column. He did a great job and you can see the improvements he made as he practiced. We have a routine after school we come home and eat our snack and then write our name. After that we do what he wants to do whether it be go outside, color, play with trains, etc. 

Today after he traced his name I asked him to give a shot at copying it with no dots. He did a great job! In the picture above you can see where he wrote his name once and in the bottom picture I helped him with the 'a'. He did very well. I did coach him to start at the top and prompted what to do (ex. draw a straight line down for your 't'.) but as far as moving his hands, it was all him!!  

He is so cute. I always tell him to take his time and stay on the line and give him a lot of positive feedback when he does so. Today when I was tracing my letters he kept telling me to take my time and stay on the line and was telling me "good job!" and "yay, Miss Suzi is taking her time!". I love that munchkin!

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