Sunday, May 8, 2011

He’s here!

I know I am slacking on my posting but I’ve had SOOOO much going on! I finished up finals Thursday afternoon and have been packing for Marietta!

I HAVE to share my precious new nephew that we have been anxiously waiting for!

Welcome to the world,

Wyatt Scottie Cook

Born 1:05Pm on May 4, 2011

7lbs 11.9oz

20.5’ long


Here he is with his favorite aunt, Aunt Suzi


Getting sugahs from his Aunt Suzi100_0056

So they’re obviously not in order. Here is our first view of Wyatt as Daddy brought him out of the delivery room!100_1036

Again with Daddy. This was when the nurse was trying to get Justin to put him on he scale..he asked if he could get on with him because he didn’t want to give him up yet!


Proud Mimi and Papi


Proud Daddy


Rivs and I awaiting his arrivalIMG_0538

Notice the Papparazzi in the next few pics…we all were waiting with cameras/cell phones/video cameras/ etc in each handIMG_0546IMG_0563



Sweet sisters


My sweet Bubb


Aunt Suzi is proud. Can you tell.

My shirt reads on the front: “I’m a proud, new aunt! Wyatt Scottie Cook May 4, 2011”

Back: “Aunt Suzi”


I am so excited to be able to watch this little man grow and be a part of his life!

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