Monday, May 9, 2011


I made it to Marietta last night and just hung out with Julia and Nate.

This morning we took a drive to Atlanta to Nate’s school and they gave me a quick tour and I got to meet his teachers. We grabbed some lunch then had therapy and headed home for a nap!

After his nap Julia took me for a mini tour of Marietta. She showed me the Kroger, Publix, Whole Foods, all of the teacher supply/educational toy stores, and retail stores within like a ten minute drive of their house! LOVE! Smile

I got to spend some alone time with my sweet boy tonight while Julia stepped out for dinner with a friend. Since she is leaving Wednesday I am sure it was well needed!

I am so excited about this opportunity. I will share plenty of pictures of Nate over the summer!

Here's a picture from Day 2

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